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Facebook Strategy Training Toronto and Calgary

Business coaching in Toronto, how to manage a Facebook page

The social media in Toronto today constitute a very large part of the strategy marketing. the social media has the particularity of bringing together millions of Internet users. This aspect transforms the social networks in a great forum or in a great market in which millions of consumers live in the world. Erect a Marketing strategy on the social media then becomes an unequaled luxury. Thus, this training on social networks in the Toronto region will give you the opportunity to launch campaigns marketing successful, but above all to build a relationship of complicity with your customers.

Objective of mastering social media 

The objective of this workshop is to understand the important role of SMO (Social Media Optimization) in improving your visibility on the web. But also, to define a winning strategy on the social networks in order to optimize its traffic. For companies, this in-company coaching will enable them to use the social networks as an economic lever.

Presentation of social networks

  • Creation and evolution of social networks
  • The social networks most viewed
  • Number of visitors in the social networks
  • Know the distribution of social networks, but also forum mapping
  • Precise role of social networks in the business
  • A brief overview of all their uses.
Building a social media strategy
  • The issues highlighted by the Mark Where the company
  • Visibility, notoriety and image of the brand in social networks
  • animate sound account or his page in the social networks
  • Continuing education on the best social networks able to bring you some professional development
  • Invest as Community Manager or set themselves up as such to ensure the monitoring of social networks.
  • Utilize Youtube to present its products on its chain
  • have several fans in a short period of time Facebook
  • Private lessons for your employees who wish to learn any further
  • Use LinkedIn for good position your business.
Practical cases of business coaching in social media marketing
  • Private lessons on the creation of accounts in the social networks, but also for the creation of a blog
  • How to make a publicity campaign among other things on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Viadeo and Google+
  • How to ensure the watch in the social networks
  • Measure the statistics of the page of the social network
  • Check post reach
  • Seminar and conference to better understand the issue of social media.