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Tutorial How to start a project in Adobe Dreamweaver CC

Adobe Dreamweaver CC is a popular web development software that allows you to easily create, design and publish websites. In this tutorial, we will show you how to set project and FTP in Adobe Dreamweaver CC.

Step 1: Launch Adobe Dreamweaver CC

Open Adobe Dreamweaver CC on your computer and click the “Site” menu at the top of the screen.

Step 2: Create a new site

Click the “New Site” option and select “Advanced Settings” to define a new site. In the “Site Configuration” dialog box, enter a name for your site in the “Site Name” field.

Step 3: Select a local site folder

In the “Local Site Folder” section, click the “Browse” button to select a folder on your computer where your website files will be stored. This folder will be used as your local site folder.

Step 4: Set remote server information
In the “Remote Information” section, you will need to specify the information of your remote server, which is the server where your website will be published. To use FTP, select “FTP” from the “Access” drop-down menu.

Step 5: Enter your FTP credentials
Enter your remote server's FTP credentials in the "FTP Host" and "Host Directory" fields. The FTP Host is the address of your website's server, and the Host Directory is the location on the server where your website's files will be stored.

Step 6: Test the FTP connection
Click the “Test” button to test the FTP connection. If the connection is successful, you should see a message saying “Connection established”.

Step 7: Save the site definition
Click the “Save” button to save the site definition. You can now use this site definition to connect to your remote server and download your website files.

Step 8: Connect to your remote server
In the “Files” panel, select the “Remote Server” option, then click the “Connect to Remote Server” button to connect to your remote server.

Step 9: Upload your website files
Once you are connected to your remote server, you can upload your website files by dragging them from the “Local Files” panel to the “Remote Files” panel.

Step 10: Publish your website
When you're ready to publish your website, select "Upload" from the "Files" menu to upload your files to your remote server. You can also use the "Upload" button in the "Files" panel to upload your files.

In conclusion, the definition of a project and an FTP in Adobe Dreamweaver CC is a simple and straightforward process that allows you to easily publish your website to a remote server. By following these steps, you can easily create and publish your website with Adobe Dreamweaver CC.

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