The flash has become the key word for most animations. Whether video games, animated buttons or even flash ads is damn common in the world of .NET. Indeed, all this is possible with Adobe Flash software from Adobe Systems logistic map. In Flash, there are two parts, namely the graphics part and the Scripting section. Therefore, it appears another technology namely Action Script that will handle the second dynamic part of a Flash animation. This training will enable you to understand all the Flash environment, but also to learn the operation of Action Script.

This workshop will be a first time for you to understand the basics of flash animations and continious training that will teach how useful ActionScript.
Presentation and use of adobe flash
- Impact of flash applications worldwide net
- General flash use in applications
- Introducing of the user interface
- Introduction to vector drawing
- Understanding formatting text
- How is the design of text animations?
- How to initiate the creation of a clip?
- Vector tools
- Course on code file and the import and export media
- Notions of red thread
Using layers
Saving and recording
Action Script
- Overview Software
- Coaching on the functions and uses
- Explanations of the workspace and its use
- Action Script Utility
- Relationship between Adobe Flash and Action Script
Understanding the basics
- Concepts of variable and tracings
- All Action Script use conditions
- Introduction to loop the animated logos
- How to make designs with Action Script
- What kinds of collisions?
- How to use the keyboard and the keyboard shortcuts?
- How to manipulate images and other media with Action Script?
- How to make a programming object?
- Notions of classes and different classes
Advanced Features
- Interaction and animation,
- Animate objects and movie clips with ActionScript
- Manage collisions
- How to fix errors?
- Manage menus and different forms
- Management of all multimedia side
- The variousmeans of data processing
- Control all events
Particularity of the training
- The value Adobe Flash and Action Script in business
- Corporate training in various techniques
- accompaniment of a Prof and a teacher in every step
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Seminar of Professional Development organized in cities like Montreal Laval, Longueuil and surroundings.
Montreal : 514 448-0883
Quebec : 418 478-1647
Ottawa : 613 366-1743
Toronto : 416 907-8551
Calgary: 403 536-0703
Edmonton 780 669-6585
Vancouver: 778 785-2229