Action Script is a program that adds a layer of interactivity to Flash animations. Indeed, it gives a better rendering for flash animations that you have already designed. It is a great help for programming.

Besides, it also facilitates the communication of the application that you have programmed with the server. Second, Action Script helps to prioritize activities by controlling it on Movie-Clip. This training will then allow you to have some control over the software, but also to know how to give more life to Flash animations that you program. So if you want to give a better rendering your programming, this workshop is for you


adobe flash action script enterprise private training montreal ottawa quebec

Program Objectives

At the end of the continuous education you should fully understand the ActionScript programming language. You must also be able to design animations, but also produce multimedia effects for .NET or for communication of your company in Ottawa


Action Script Presentation

    • Overview of different flash drives
    • Everything about the Code Editor
    • Understanding the different modes
    • Setting his workspace and preferences
    • Understanding the program interface

The fundamentals of language Action Script

    • Explanation of variables concepts , constants and litters
    • Programming for objects
    • The types of operators
    • The various structures
    • Creating custom functions
    • controlling events
    • The creation of listeners
    • Interactions on a clip
    • The menus and forms

Focus on Movie Clips

    • Starts and the Movie- Clips control
    • How to load external movie clips
    • Empty movie clips
    • Transfer of information to movie clips

Data processing means

    • The POST or GET method
    • The send And Load method for connections between PHP and Asp
    • Data recording


    • Managing sound files
    • Converting video files to the proper format
    • Video management
    • Adding graphic effects

Pedagogical Approach

These courses are more oriented to people who have already understood the Adobe Flash program. The person must first understand Flash before launching the Action Script code . However , trainers will commit to you private lessons or tutoring .


This course is also important for people who are already in the field and looking much more professional development or business coaching for their team of programmers . Moreover , they can enjoy the seminar or conference to improve .


Montreal : 514 448-0883

Quebec : 418 478-1647

Ottawa : 613 366-1743

Toronto : 416 907-8551

Calgary: 403 536-0703   

Edmonton 780 669-6585 

Vancouver: 778 785-2229